Gabriel Cosgrave, Xperi’s General Manager in EMEA, recently sat down with Thomas Helbo, COO of JT Group, at the Connected TV World Summit in London to talk about our TiVo-branded entertainment discovery solutions.

Read on for their four guidelines for building your next-gen entertainment and watching experience:

#1: “Powered By” > “Controlled By”

When evaluating partnerships, not all platforms and components are equal, especially regarding control over your services and data. At TiVo, we work with OEMs and operators to be a true partner for road-mapping and maximising your data benefits and brand prominence.

#2: Personalisation is Paramount

To make your service truly relevant to your customers, you’ll need advanced personalisation technologies like speech recognition, biometric sensing and deep metadata. At TiVo, our voice-based personalisation is conversational rather than instructional, and our biometrics go beyond the camera into neuromorphic sensors and privacy-by-design as a core principle.

#3: Your Business Model Can Be a Game-Changer

The structure of your business model can make a long-term difference on your bottom line. Traditionally, TV operating systems have attracted a generous-looking on-deployment bounty, but the model can leave OEMs and operators at a disadvantage long-term, as OS providers monetise their real estate. At TiVo, we believe in a more equitable model based on revenue-sharing to bring a sustainable long-term revenue stream allowing OEMs to better invest in their future products.

#4: Scale is Key

You can’t underestimate the importance of scale. Look at who you’re working with and their heritage, especially around monetisation. At TiVo, our advertising business is built and scaled on providing solutions for multiple customers over many years. This enables us to drive better deals for our customers to be more economical throughout the lifecycle of our relationship.

Watch the full conversation:


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