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TiVo® turned 20 this year, so we have been thinking a lot about all the great things to come to TV over the last two decades. When we asked on Facebook and Twitter what the best TV theme songs are from the last 20 years, we found ourselves taking a giant trip down memory lane. Here are some that we saw come up the most, and we added a few of our own faves too. Can you sing along to all of these tv theme songs? ________ 1999: The Sopranos January 10, 1999 – June 10, 2007 7 people commented The Sopranos on our Facebook post, along with another 2 votes on our tweet. What a tune. Like the show itself, the opening theme “Woke Up This Morning” by English band Alabama felt raw and real. ________ 1999: SpongeBob Squarepants May 1, 1999 – 1999 also brought us SpongeBob. You…