
TiVo for Business


By: Briana Larsen In today’s entertainment landscape, content is king with an ever-evolving focus on providing the most popular and most relevant video content to consumers. TV original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are expected to have a wide range of video content providers available. From global tier one providers, like YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, and Prime Video, to global ad supported services like Pluto TV, to local content heroes, inclusive of broadcast and over-the-top (OTT) providers. It’s important to have this variety so all viewers can access content that’s interesting and relevant to them. As smarts TVs are developed to be region-specific, it’s especially crucial to have local content providers. Across states, regions and countries, there are differences among content consumption and preferences. For example, a Millennial viewer in a major US city will be more interested in the latest streaming hits whereas a family in Argentina may rely on access to…