
TiVo for Business


Connected TV World Summit (CTVWS) is one of the most important European thought-leadership and networking event in the international TV distribution market calendar. The conference helps TV executives exploit new opportunities and tackle their most important challenges. Every year it attracts speakers and delegates from the biggest names in Pay TV, broadcasting, streaming, studios and TV tech, who share new thinking and best practice on the business and technology transformation of TV. This year CTVWS took place in mid-March and welcomed over 700 of the most influential global leaders. This edition was dedicated to showcasing the new business models, partnership opportunities, service innovations and technology paradigms that can expand the total value of the TV market as we continue the journey towards majority-streaming and eventually all-streaming. TiVo’s team spent two days engaging in many valuable conversations, attending insightful sessions and experiencing great networking time on the ground. Our fireside chat…