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We are in the midst of a smart-home revolution. With the growing popularity of smart home assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, TiVo is expanding its role in the growing smart home ecosystem —one that enhances the consumer’s entertainment experience using advanced, far-field voice control. That’s why we’re excited about our new Alexa integration. TiVo’s innovations are ushering in a universe of possibility that is making the entertainment experience more personalized, more connected and ultimately more enjoyable. We recently spoke with Andrew Heymann, TiVo’s Senior Director of Product Management and part of the team responsible for making the Alexa integration happen. Here are his thoughts on it and how TiVo is shaping the ultimate entertainment experience. Q: What can TiVo subscribers do with Alexa? Heymann: Alexa can do many of the things you usually do with your TiVo remote. You can ask Alexa to change the channel (e.g., “Alexa,…