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 We surveyed TiVo® customers about their turkey and television consumption behaviors. Here is what we learned. ________ 98% of households feel TV is an important part of Thanksgiving, with more families prioritizing football over the Thanksgiving Parade. Our study concluded that TV + Thanksgiving is still a classic holiday paring. When asked what role TV plays during Thanksgiving, football got 31.9% of the votes, while only 2% polled said TV is off-limits. After the winning vote of football, lazing on the couch and flipping around garnered 22.2% of the votes, with watching the parade (20.6%) beating out background noise (16.9%). 6.4% of those tested are undecided on just how TV will fit in this year. ________ 51% of American families say they are most like the Pearsons or the Simpsons when they get together on Thanksgiving. 26.9% of people say that when their family gets together for Thanksgiving they are most like the…