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TiVo released the 19th edition of its quarterly video trends report today, including insights on pay-TV vs. over-the-top (OTT) user experiences, the challenges faced by sports networks, the truth about voice search and more.

Based on a TiVo survey of more than 3,000 consumers, the Q3 2017 Online Video and Pay-TV Trends Report covers key quarter-over-quarter (q/q) and year-over-year (y/y) trends, including:

  • A breakdown of top channels desired by U.S. and Canadian respondents in à la carte pay-TV packages, along with historical trends regarding ideal pricing for the top 20 channels.
  • Respondents’ sentiments about cross-catalog guides and content discovery.
  • Viewership data on social media networks streaming high-profile sporting events.

Additionally, the report covers new topics, such as:

  • The effect of advanced content discovery features on viewer satisfaction and engagement.
  • The correlation between the usage of smart home devices and voice search adoption, and what that means for pay-TV providers.
  • How targeted marketing efforts affect adoption of and engagement with voice functionality.

Choice Channels

In Q3 2017, 82 percent of respondents – the highest percentage since the question was first asked — indicated they wish to pay only for the channels they watch. And, on average, they want to pay $31.17 per month, or $1.42 per channel, per month for self-selected channel packages, with an average of 22 channels in the ideal line-up.

The amount respondents are willing to pay for HBO decreased slightly q/q, however, it remains the channel they are willing to pay the most to watch. Fusion, Telemundo, Showtime and NFL Network remain among the top 10 channels on the list, but five other networks fell off to make way for newcomers Revolt, Cinemax, AXS TV, Starz and Adult Swim.

TiVo Q3 Report: Top 10 Pay Channels

See pages 8-9 of the report for related findings.

Show and Tell

When a major pay-TV provider followed TiVo’s advice to launch an advertising campaign for educating viewers on the key features and benefits of voice search functionality, the commercial delivered solid results, as detailed in the “Quarterly Tips” section of the Q3 report.

Results of marketing conversational search features.

See pages 34-35 of the report for related findings.

For more stats, insights and analytical commentary based on the latest survey findings, download TiVo’s Q3 2017 Video Trends Report now.

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